If life was just like books, maybe I’d like mine to be written in a better plot.
As a writer, to be honest, I don’t know if I’d like mine to be written either by myself or someone else. Maybe I will just make a deal with someone to write mine better while I’ll write theirs better too. “You don’t trust people that much don’t you?” Yeah, that voice always lingers around my ears every time I have those thoughts.
We deserve a better ending for our story right?
Don’t ever lie to your storyline. It would not change anything. My book is like a mess because that was what my brain looked like if you can see right through it. If life was a book, I want mine to be written as perfectly as it can. I want a better personality, characteristics, energy, future, environment, and fortune. I wanna know my ending. I want to write it on my own because as much as I hate myself, I still deserve a good ending. Maybe, my ending would be “… and there she goes, a little girl living inside of a grown matured woman. She is finally able to find out why is it worth living after everything she has been through. She finally found her freedom and peace of mind.”
I keep thinking if only we can do that. I mean, we can make it way more better, breaking every life’s rules. Did I fall out of line when I think about things we can’t ever change? We can just see and let it happen, I guessed.
If you ever have thought about this, please come back to reality. In the end, life wasn’t a book after all. The betrayal was all from yourself, the decision to stay holding on to life was your choice. Yes, we all deserve a better plot and ending but all we got was just the climax and plot twist of life.
“Life isn’t a book.”